Welding Tips And Tricks
Tungsten Angles, CK Tungsten Grinder, & 2% Thoriated on Aluminum
Read nowCan you weld aluminum with 2% thoriated? Yes you sure can. Is 2% thoriated the best choice for aluminum? Nah. Probably not. But if you prep the tip before welding, it does OK....way better than just letting it round however it...
Read nowSometimes we all need to be reminded of some fundamentals. So this quick video shows a back to basic type reminder on the importance of arc length when tig welding. A few more basic reminders to help your tig...
Freehand vs Walking the Cup on a 3F tee joint carbon steel
Read nowA common TIG weld joint in welding school might be a 3F vertical multiple pass tee joint. Take advantage of a limited time offer for WELDERSKILLS.COM While A 3F TIG multiple pass fillet weld might be uncommon in industry, it is a good...
Why Gas lens for Stainless?
Read nowIf you are still using the standard cups and hardware that came with your machine or torch, you might niot be getting the best results possible. A jazzy 10 ceramic cup is a great addition to our weldmonger stubby gas lens...
Is Super MissileWeld® just 312 Stainless?
Read nowIs Super MissileWeld® just 312 Stainless? Is super missile weld rod simply 312 stainless TIG Rod? Well....Maybe. I first heard of super missile TIG Rod when I worked for the TechOps division of Delta Airlines. One of the shops used it...