Every Welder needs to know These 2 Simple Truths
There are 2 things that every welder needs to know...
1. Heat Affects Metal
2. Heat Affects different metal in different ways
For example, if you have ever watched the TV show "Forged in Fire" you have seen knife makers heating a piece of high carbon steel to a red hot temperature and cooling it quickly. This is how high carbon steel hardens.
But heating a piece of 304 stainless to the same temperature and quick cooling it will not Harden the metal at all.
The heat from welding is just like what a knifemaker does to harden a blade.
Welding melts the base metal and the area next to the weld can Harden with certain metals.
Heat can also make some metals soft, or reduce corrosion resistance.
Heat from welding must be properly applied and controlled.
this is why procedures are established and applied.
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