Ally 5 combo kit for 17, 18, 26 style torches
Here are 2 great videos on TIG welding aluminum.
Sometimes, there is just no good place to prop your hand.
Aluminum can get really hot..really quick and its tough to concentrate on your weld while your knuckles are smoking.
A TIG finger is like a prop in your pocket. It keeps your fingers cool and also helps you glide along.
Our Weldmonger Ally 5 Combo kit has a clear 5 and a pink 5 because while a clear 5 can really light things up and help you see the weld better, there are times when you don't need a clear cup.
The reason we put together this ally 5 combo kit is because I know so many really good tig welders who prefer a #5 collet body cup for tig welding aluminum.
I am in my mid 60's now and the clear cups really help light everything up for me and also help me to film the arc better so that we can all see the details of a weld puddle.
But there are times when I don't need a clear cup and I just use a standard ceramic pink 5 with a collet body.
The ally 5 kit for 17, 18, and 26 style torches has a stubby type collet body that allows using the same small cup as what works on a 20 style water cooled torch.
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