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PrimeWeld TIG325x + Water Cooler Bundles back in stock! shop Now

How to Hold a TIG Torch


When it comes to how you hold a tig torch, there are no rules.

But here is what I do.

For tig welding on the bench when the weld is flat and easy to access, 

I hold the torch like I was in first grade and I was holding a big huge crayon.

Or if you can’t remember back that far, imagine you are holding a big fat sharpie.

This gives you a lot of control over the tig torch and lets you prop with the base of your palm on the bench.

There are also times when you need to make a longer weld where you hold the torch in the same way but you just prop lightly on a surface so that you can smoothly slide your hand along to make that longer weld.

A tig finger makes a much smoother slide than your tig glove and will keep your knuckles cool while you slide along.


But what about tig welding in other positions like over your head or vertical?


For overhead tig, I often hold the tig torch with a different grip that is more comfortable to me for overhead welding. I grip the torch sorta like I would hold a hammer except with a light grip. 


PRO TIP: You almost always want to grip a tig torch with a light grip.

Gripping it like a gorilla will just fatigue your hand and make you shake.


Walking the cup requires holding the tig torch differently too.

Depending on a lot of different factors, like how easy is the joint to access, or the diameter of the pipe, you might want to choke up on the torch for small bore pipe.  But for larger pipe, you might want to grip the torch handle much further back.


The end result is the only thing that really matters but giving some thought into how to hold a tig torch can help you get the job done with less hand fatigue.



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Rolf Lindberg - August 6, 2023

Tig-finger sound like a great idea, I have used things I found nearby when it got hot, but this seems like way better solution..! :-)

Garry Coats - August 2, 2023

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bert caulfield - June 23, 2023

Hi Jody as always very good information on how to hold a tig torch to achieve a better result with less fatigue cheers Bert

James H Levi - June 23, 2023

How about a video on how to advance the filler rod, my toughest problem.

Leon - July 28, 2023

La verdad que se ve muy poco esta calidad de soldaduras y habilidad del soldador. Ojalá tuviéramos en Argentina la calidad de herramientas que muestran.

Jack McDonald - June 23, 2023

Enjoy your videos very much. I have learned a great deal from them, especially what I was doing wrong over the many years. As an aircraft mechanic I learned to weld with gas and the transition to tig was fairly easy, however, there was never any formal training for tig.
Thank you for all the info. Really enjoyed the video with Jimmy Diresta.

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