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PrimeWeld TIG325x + Water Cooler Bundles back in stock! shop Now

TIG Welding Overhead - Tube to Plate - Walking the Cup vs Freehand

TIG Welding Overhead - Tube to Plate - Walking the Cup vs Freehand 

Focus on these three things for TIG welding overhead:

  1. find a way to get comfortable
  2. find a way to be steady
  3. position yourself for a good line of sight

For the first half of the first pass, I used a #6 gas lens cup and a TIG finger® so that I could prop and be steady.

I walked the cup for the second half.

On the second pass, I switched over to a #10 jazzy cup. which is included in our new Challenger kits or available in a 2 pack.

challenger kit with jazzy 10 ceramic

Walking the cup is a great technique. I walk the cup whenever I can.

But it is good to know how to freehand too.

And when you freehand, its great to have a TIG finger®.

It is literally like having prop in your pocket.

tig finger® and tig finger® xl

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