Weldmonger Customer Quick Tip Video #4 Stick Welding with TIG torch
Did you know that in a pinch, you can stick weld with a tig torch?
All you need to do is use the right size collet body for the size stick rod and it chucks right up.
I wouldn't recommend doing it all the time but in a pinch, its a very hand thing to know.
I don't use the tig torch to stick weld very often but I have had to do it... and it got me out of a bind a few times .
I remember once when I needed a portable welding machine and the only one I had was a little Miller Maxtar 90 tig unit set up for TIG only with a 9 air cooled tig torch.
That Maxtar 90 was one of the first tig inverters that miller made and it was DC only.
No stick stinger to be found anywhere because it was an aerospace maintenance welding shop.
The little welder only had 90 amps of power but that was enough to burn a 3/32 stick rod to weld a grated floor back down that had been bent by a forklift.
It worked great and didn't hurt the tig torch either.
I only had to burn one rod.
I suppose if you were to stick weld with the tig torch every day and burn the rods all the way down to the nub you might burn up the collet body or ceramic tig cup but in a pinch, if you just need to burn a rod or two, no harm.
I have used the food pedal also and it works great too. Especially on thin stuff.
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