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overhead welding mig pulse spray mig and stick 7018


This Video is about Short arc MIG, Pulse Spray, and Stick welding with 7018




For the first tip on overhead mig welding, I used a little primeweld MIG180 and I set the wire speed a bit lower than the recommended setting.

I find that the wire speed settings on MIG charts are often too high to work for overhead.  The recommended setting for .035" wire was 236 and I lowered that to 200 inches per minute and got better results.


Have you heard of pulse spray MIG welding?  

Pulse spray MIG is a modified version of spray transfer.  Pulse spray mig requires a machine that has pulse capabilities along with a different gas like 90/10.

Miller , Lincoln, Esab, and others all list their pulse settings a bit differently but usually there will be a setting called "trim" or "arc length" that really makes a difference.

There are several pulse spray videos over at welderskills.com 

Lets talk about Overhead Stick welding.

In my opinion a 3/32" 7018 is one of the most versatile stick welding rods.

One reason is you can usually weld with a 3/32" 7018 using 115volt power.


So I plugged my CKmt200 tig welder into a 115volt socket to see if I could weld with a 3/32" 7018.

At 90 amps, I popped a breaker before I could burn a whole rod.

but at 87 amps, I had no issues.

When you have to do some portable welding, being able to run off of 115 volt power can really save the day.

Sometimes it takes longer to unroll welding leads than it does to make the weld and with a small 40 lb inverter welder that can run off 115 volt power, being able to make a weld with 3/32"7018 can make you some money.



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Mike Bates – August 23, 2024

Sorry this gets a little long…Overhead! When I took an after school welding class ( now this was in 1966)
We had a crusty teacher, from the plumbing shop, as our teacher, this was a trade school, and very old stuff
That was Corden off to make welding booths. The week that I was in overhead welding. I was burning away like mad, trying to keep my puddle from falling. Well there was very little in the way of ventilation! There were like 6 booths ,everywhere the smoke and sparks I had long hair back then , well I blazeing up a storm on a pice 2 steel, when all of a sudden, I was being dragged out of my booth by my hair and dunked into big rusty, nasty tank for dumping parts to cool off ! I came up sputtering and spitting shaking my head when the teacher said dammit boy are you too dumb to know your hair is on fire! Well turns out that my teacher and mother went to school together, of course he called my mother to share the big joke of having to put me out of my hair on fire!
So when I got home from school my brothers and sisters just thought it was the funniest thing ever. You see my oldest brother was working as a welder, he was 15 years older than me!
So no little brother was going to live lt down !!!’ He kept it up till the day he died !
Oh and ps the teacher was a 6 foot 6 mountain of a man …

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