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tig welding aluminum outside corner joint video with settings

#7 Clear Cup Combo Kit For Aluminum

Lucky 7 Clear Cup Combo  Kit on Aluminum

For quality Welding Gear

There are lots of opinions on what is the best tig cup for aluminum.

Some prefer a #5 standard collet body cup while others prefer a #6 or #7 gas lens setup.

No matter what cup you like to use , tuning the AC balance and Argon flow rate will help you get the best results.

AC balance and Argon Flow Rate go hand in hand.

I started using clear cups strictly for filming instructional videos but I learned quickly that they not only help me film the arc, but they also light things up and help me see better.

Artículo anterior ER70S-2 or ER70S-6? for TIG welding Carbon Steel
Artículo siguiente TIG Tips for Carbon Steel Restarts

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