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PrimeWeld TIG325x + Water Cooler Bundles back in stock! shop Now
mig welding lap joint settings and arc shots

MIG & TIG Welding with PrimeWeld MTS200

1/4" Thick Lap Joint PrimeWeld MTS200

This first video is a super quick one showing settings that are a bit lower than what the MIG chart settings recommend. The recommended wire speed for 1/4" was 472 ipm using .035" wire and that seemed a bit high with a lot of spatter so I trimmed back the wire speed and tested the joint after welding.

20 volts

310 ipm .035" ER70S-6 C25 gas

INDUCTANCE set to max

Did you Know that the PrimeWeld MTS200 Also does Lift Arc TIG?

Setting up the MTS200 for Lift Arc TIG is pretty easy.

The CK Worldwide Air cooled torch with valve connects directly to the flowmeter and you simply use the torch valve to turn argon on and off.

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Martin Rubenstein - février 25, 2025

Beautiful. Such beautiful arc shots and consistency. The close-up arc shots of the cursive ‘e’s shows exactly what we should be aiming to reproduce as we make the same joint. If “a picture’s worth a thousand words”, then a video like this worth a million words. And the cut and etch shows the ideal nugget. Brilliant; thanks, Jody.

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