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PrimeWeld TIG325x + Water Cooler Bundles back in stock! shop Now
tig welding 303 stainless 312L tig rod

#7 Customer Video - 303 Stainless and Hot Start for Stick

303 free machining stainless is not recommended for welding but for low stress non critical applications, sometimes we need to weld it.

I have tig welded quite a lot of 303 stainless for a machinist friend of mine but never for super critical welds.

So how can you tell 303 from other grades of stainless steel?

As far as I know, short of an XRF spectrometer, there is no sure fire way but here is what I do.

Because 303 has a sulphur content,  there is usually a tell tale look at the toes of the weld.  It looks like something is trying to boil out and it often looks very grainy.

312L stainless filler rod is very crack resistant and can be a good choice for when you can't determine the exact grade of stainless you need to weld.

312 is also a great all around maintenance rod for welding any steel to any other steel..

Ever wonder what the "hot start" feature is on a stick welder?

Hot start gives you a few more amps for a short time when you start or restart.

This is very helpful....especially for 7018 rods.

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Doug Apland - julio 24, 2024

I have an old Western Arctronics machine. I am getting conflicting opinions on what some of the knobs actually adjust. If I send a picture of the face of the machine can you help me get to the real use of each dial and knob? Thanks

Mike (The Stinger) Ready - julio 23, 2024

Jody always gives GREAT Tips & Tricks & Info as well as the best products anywhere.
I have a very old Miller HFP 250 Dialarc. Got it new in 1985. It does not have all the adjustments these new welding machines have. But it has Hi Frequency on start & also continuous. Using the foot pedal amp control set at the amps I want to run the 7018 at the full down position.
I use the Hi Frequency on start & foot pedal, 7018 starts very easily & when I want to lay down the rod/stinger, letting the foot pedal all the way up shuts off the current, no arching.
Thanks for the hard work you do putting on these videos.

James - julio 23, 2024

Thank you
Great video shots
I always appreciate your skills
No substitute for experience
We have to do the work

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